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Labyrinth carved into rock, metaphor for life's twists and turns, logo for Counselling with Zana
Head shot of Zana Parker, Counsellor

To contact Zana, you can email

or text this number 07905658386

Please note, I am on annual leave until 1st October.

Feel free to email and I will respond upon my return. If you send a text I may not receive it at all, so email would be the best way to get in touch while I'm away from my desk. 

Usually Zana will respond Monday to Friday, except during breaks for self-care.

NEW! For anxiety-sufferers, Zana has written a book(let)...

Flyer showing front cover of Zana's short easy-to-read e-booklet guide to understanding and managing anxiety.  It's called "How Anxiety is like a Smoke Alarm and how to Reduce the Volume". Dark background with swirly smoke images

Only £1.77

Click here to buy Zana's e-booklet from Amazon

You don't need a Kindle, as Amazon has a free reader that you can download to your device.

Swirly pink logo for Birthing with Confidence, which is written in green in the centre of the swirl

For private, tailored antenatal classes, hypnobirthing courses & audios, breathing & relaxation workshops, please go to my Birthing with Confidence website here.

About Zana

I didn't set out to become a Counsellor, but then I set out not knowing what I wanted. Life took a series of twists and turns. Sometimes I went with the flow (or fought against it!) and other times I made definite, conscious decisions. Eventually, after a fair bit of 'life experience' counselling became the right pathway for me.


For many years I drifted somewhat. I used to enjoy learning languages and spoke French quite well so 'the plan' was to go to University and study something vocational with French, but at the time 'the plan' didn't fit with my own priorities.


Instead I worked in imports/exports for a French company in the UK and then did a huge variety of temp secretarial/admin jobs and six months working abroad. Eventually I ended up as the PA to the Installations Manager at a double-glazing company. After a couple of years I became pregnant (following two early pregnancy losses) and left work to be a stay-at-home mum to my son. I didn't find the adjustment to parenthood at all easy so it was another 4 years before my daughter was born (to the day, I might add!).


Giving birth, and making very different choices for my second baby, inspired me to train to become an Antenatal Teacher, mainly to help parents to make informed decisions with the aim of achieving a more empowering and positive birth. After almost 3 years of study and assessment I qualified with the NCT in 1998. I have devised and taught antenatal classes (including early days baby care and baby feeding) for NCT and privately ever since, to groups, couples and individuals. In 2012 I added a hypnobirthing qualification so I offer this kind of birth preparation too.


People have always interested me. I have always been curious about people's motivations and what shapes people to be as they are, alongside personal adaptation and growth. Looking back to my earlier interest in languages it seems that on some level I have always had an interest in communicating with others, in trying to understand and in being understood.


Following a number of 'coincidences' the time felt right to take a 1-year Counselling Certificate course, just to help me work more effectively with antenatal groups. I still had no intention of becoming a Counsellor! Feeling more confident after completing this, I decided to continue and tackle the two-year Diploma course. I am proud to say I qualified as a Counsellor, with Distinction, in 2010 with the University of Winchester Diploma of Higher Education in Counselling (Level 5). I've been working as an independent counsellor ever since, although I also worked as a volunteer counsellor for two years for a university counselling service and for the NHS. Since qualifying I have occasionally been invited back to college to teach 1-day workshops exploring creative approaches to counselling alongside personal growth.


I now offer counselling, psychotherapy, and (when appropriate) a combination of these alongside EFT, Rewind Technique (both to help with effects of difficult experiences), antenatal classes and courses, relaxation and breathing workshops and hypnobirthing.

I also offer training to other professionals focusing mainly on self-regulation through use of breathing/relaxation, and creative self-development.


I am passionate about working with people when they are undergoing transition in their lives. I seek to support, rather than to instruct. I want you to feel empowered to make positive changes and choices that are right for you.


So that's quite a bit about me. Now I look forward to hearing about you! There are contact details at the top of this page so please feel free to get in touch if there's anything that you think I might be able to help with.



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